Saturday, November 15, 2008

A "NEW" Baby Theory

Since we're on the subject of babies, I thought of another story that happened about 6 months ago. Olivia likes to ask questions about when she was in my tummy and how she was born and then she likes to rehearse the details, just to make sure that she's got it all figured out. One day, while rehearsing these details....again....she ended up with an interesting conclusion...all on her own. She said, "Mom, when I was a baby, I was in your tummy and then I was borned....right?" I agreed and said, "That's right, Olivia!" Pondering that for a moment, she looked at me and said, "Yeah...and Braden, he came from Daddy's tummy!" How never occurred to me before, but it only makes sense (at least to a 4 yr old), that girls should come from girls and boys should come from boys...right? HA! After sharing this story with some friends of mine, we concluded that, if that were true....the male poplulation would probably be extinct by now!!

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