Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Most Wonderful Dream In The Whole Wide World

Once again, Olivia is dominating these posts..haha! (at least for now....)

So....Olivia woke up this morning and came and found me downstairs. She was kind of sobbing, but it's always hard to know whether it's for real or another 'act of drama'. Anyway, I said, "What's wrong honey?" And she looked at me and weepily said, "Mom, I just had the most wonderful dream in the whole wide world." She went on to tell me that she dreamt about Barbie Land and that her and Braden were puppies, named Sparkles and Lily. Thinking that was a pretty cool dream, I was confused and asked her, "So, why are you so upset?" She answered, with some pretty intense tears, "Because I thought it was real and when I woke up I realized it was just a dream." Olivia LOVES puppies, so I thought maybe I misunderstood her dream and I said, "Oh, you mean you and Braden HAD 2 puppies, named Sparkles and Lily?" And she said, "No, we WERE puppies!" And then....a dramatic outburst of tears!

Man, it is so hard to try and be sympathetic, but be laughing your guts out on the inside!

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