Monday, November 17, 2008

"Bathetized!" truly amazes me how much material my children provide for this blog!! HA! So, here's yet another story that happened today!

About 6 weeks ago, we were driving in the van and out of the blue, Olivia says, " you think I'll ever get "bathetized" (that's how she says baptized)??" Don't know what made her think of that, but I responded with, "Well, I hope that you do someday." Then, she says to me, "Why? Is it because I made some mistakes?" LOL So, I went on to try and explain that baptism is something we do once we've accepted Jesus into our hearts that means we accept that Jesus died for our "mistakes". Anyway...that was basically the end of the conversation until today....
Olivia was sitting at the table today...playing a game on her Land Before Time dvd. She was having lots of fun and then ...again....out of the blue....I heard her say, "Oh man!! I just made 3 mistakes. Guess I'm gonna have to get baptized 3 times!"

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