Friday, November 14, 2008

Questions About God??

Lately, Olivia has been asking a lot of questions about God and how He made us. It's been interesting because although I know the answer to that question, when you try to explain it to a 4 year old, my "adult" answer needed some revamping. Anyway, I did my best to explain it to her with words that I thought she could understand, but I guess it wasn't satisfactory enough for her because she kept asking the question. At mealtimes, Olivia would pray that God would bless the food, but before every Amen, there was always one last little plea? "And Jesus, I really want to know how you made us! Amen." night as I was tucking her into bed, she asked me the question again. "Mom, I really want to know how God made us?" Not knowing why she still wasn't satisfied with my answer or how I could answer her differently, I suddenly had a brain wave! I said, "Olivia, you know what? When we get to heaven, you can ask God himself and he can tell you how He made you." Desperately hoping that was satisfactory for her, she got this huge smile on her face and shouted out..."You mean He's real? He's a real person?" I said, "He sure is!" Little did I know, that would lead to a whole realm of other questions for her! After several questions then about heaven (Is there dirt in heaven? Is there ice cream in heaven? Etc?), her next question was, "Well, when can I see Him? How many more sleeps until I can see Jesus?" That's a difficult question for anyone to answer, let alone a "mother". So, I said, "Well, I hope a lot of sleeps honey!"

Finally, I got her to be quiet long enough for me to start praying with her, but it wasn't long before I was interrupted again...LOL! This time she looked at me....and I could tell she was the one with the brain wave this time....she said, "Mom, why don't I just ask Him right now how He made us?" How can you say no to that? So I said, "alright Olivia...go ahead." So....she sat up in her bed and paused while she looked up towards her ceiling. With all sincerity, she says, "Jesus (long pause), I really want to know how you made us..........." We both sat there...staring at the ceiling and I started to mentally try and prepare myself for my next response. After a minute of silence...Olivia looks at me and says, "ummm....Mom??...he's not talking...." Again, not knowing exactly how to respond, she pipes in again and says, "Well...I guess we just can't hear Him 'cause He's so deep down in our hearts!" That worked for me! In all honesty....she answered that better than I probably would have...LOL!

1 comment:

Jegs said...

keep those stories coming, they make me feel closer to my grandkids