Monday, September 14, 2009

My 'not-so-wonderful" day at church!

Wow...I haven't posted anything all summer! It was such a busy summer and I can't believe it's over already. Anyway....we're back in blogging mode again. Yesterday was our fall kick-off Sunday at the church....which I anticipated being an exciting time, but ended up being a super chaotic Sunday, which also meant I was basically doing church 'on my own' with the kids that day, due to Shawn's involvement with the kickoff. Normally, I can handle it fine, but my kids were not in a great frame of mind for this particular day, especially if it meant sitting still in church for any length of time. Maybe it was the fact that we all had to get up earlier...or maybe it was the 'over-exposure' to Krispy Kreme donuts at the church. Regardless....the recollection of this story is not necessarily 'cute'. But, as I've been told by others who witnessed this event, it proves that we are 'normal'...although nothing about this moment felt 'normal' or comfortable to me.

I was feeling quite proud that I had actually made it to church a few minutes early...especially since I was on my own with the kids and 9am services are not easy in our house. So...we arrived early enough to get a good parking spot and were actually able to choose our seat in church. We spotted some friends up near the front and headed on up to sit with them. Other than the kids being a bit loud at times and needing a little reminder to be quiet....things were going pretty well. Then it was time for the scripture reading, which meant that everything else was super silent....except for my son. He is normally quite well behaved, but something set him off and he started crying and screaming loudly, "I'm not loving you anymore!!!" I tried to calmly deal with the situation, but gently putting my hand over his mouth only seemed to escalate the situation. He continued screaming this out, over and over, "I'm not lovign you anymore!!!" I found out later that he thought I was laughing at him about something and being "Mr. Sensitive", that was the thing that had set him off. So...I dragged him all the way up that LONG aisle, trying not to make eye contact with anyone and hoping they had no idea who I was or whose kid that was! I found Shawn in the hallway and quickly passed Braden off to him while I took a few minutes to gain my composure. I can laugh about it now, but it was not funny at the moment. Anyway....the rest of our time at church continued to be chaotic, but we survived. It was definitely one of those days that I wondered...."Why on earth did we come?"

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