Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Hand that Holds The World

While we were driving last night, Olivia again had another "theological" question that brought a smile to my face. The conversation went something like this;

Olivia: Mom, does God hold the world in His hands?
Me: Yes...He does Olivia.
Olivia: Does He sometimes put the world in His pocket?
Me: Hmm...well...I don't think so Olivia.
Olivia: Well...then what does He do with the world while He eats?
Me: (long pause while laughing to myself..ha!) Well....God is so big and awesome that He can do things that we can't even imagine or understand.
Olivia: Does He maybe just set the world on the table while He eats and let it roll around for a bit?
Me: (Again....laughing....and thankful we had arrived at our destinations...ha!) Sure....Olivia!

Did I mention that I LOVE this age? If laughter really is the best medicine, then my kids keep me super healthy for all the laughter they bring to my life!!

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