Tuesday, February 17, 2009

NO Secrets!!

Olivia is taking a pre-ballet course right now and loves it. The studio she goes to is run by a lady from the Bridge church and according to Olivia, their teacher always prays with them at some point during the class and apparently asks them each week if there is anything they would like prayer for.

Well...the other day...I sprouted a nice pimple on my forehead. I guess Olivia must have heard me complaining about it. A couple of days later, she mentioned to me that she asked her teacher to pray for the pimple on my forehead. Her gesture was so thoughtful, yet I was so embarrassed! I sarcastically said, "That's great Olivia!" She must have picked up on my embarrassment and she looked at me and said, "Mom! It's okay...Miss Jenn didn't laugh when I told her." Oh well....no secrets in our house I guess! At least my daughter has learned to bring EVERYTHING to God in prayer....HA!

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