Monday, January 31, 2011

Gramma...You're my 'Hooker'

We were in Ontario over Christmas this year and one of our favourite things to do is go out to MY grandparents house and visit there. They live in this small little mennonite village and my Grandma's house was and still is always full of the best old many things to entertain my children. One of their favourite things to do is dress up with all these old hats that my Grandma has hanging downstairs. So...Braden and Olivia were trying on these old hats and coming upstairs to show us. At one point, Braden had a bunch to try on, so when he was finished with one, he would hand it to my mom and then try on the next one. Out of the blue, he looks at my mom and says, "Grandma, you're my hooker!" What he meant're my hook to hang stuff on...but the way it came out...left us all in 'stitches'!

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