Monday, October 05, 2009

A "boy" Makeover?

I picked Olivia up from school today and took the kids to Dollar Giant (as promised), to spend their remaining coins from the "spoilings" of Gramma & Papa. Olivia bought some princess stuff (tiara, clipon earrings, fake nails & play makeup) and Braden bought a Pez dispenser (after much deliberation). So...on the way home, Olivia was begging for Braden to share his candy and after a few minutes I heard them finally make a deal. Olivia offered to do a makeover on Braden, if he shared some candy with her. I don't think Braden really cared about the "makeover", but because he is very willing to share, he agreed. I heard this going on while I was driving and said, "A boy makeover?? That doesn't sound right!" Olivia responded with, "Well...Russell (a male friend of ours) wears what's the difference?"

Good point! It's getting harder and harder these days to define "gender" likes and dislikes...or do they even exist anymore?

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